Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lost in my

So I'd never really understood why people would follow a TV series but I just sat down at the computer and decided to take Leisel's suggestion that I watch Lost, and now I'm stuck, so is Ryan :D But I'm glad we have something we are both really interested in. The sad thing though, is that we can stay up until at least midnight trying to get in "just one more episode" so we've been super tired the past few tired that when I went to bed a few nights ago I was about to fall asleep and then I remembered that I didn't say my prayers so I thought 'dang it, I'm SO tired, I'll just stay here and say it in my head' and the prayer started out 'Dear Heavenly Father, I thank thee for sending me to this island...' then I burst out laughing and scared the crap out of Ryan. :p It was a little funny.

1 comment:

Runners said...

That is pretty funny! My Ryan and I are so totally addicted to Lost, too... The only TV show we watch! We have the first 3 seasons on DVD (well, my Mom does) and then we watched the fourth on TV, or ITunes. We pretty much love it. Here's to season 5. We have awhile before it gets here! :(