Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008


Here are our babies! They are growing up so fast. :*) lol

Waldo (black) and Troy (white)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We put our tree up!

That is all.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lost in my

So I'd never really understood why people would follow a TV series but I just sat down at the computer and decided to take Leisel's suggestion that I watch Lost, and now I'm stuck, so is Ryan :D But I'm glad we have something we are both really interested in. The sad thing though, is that we can stay up until at least midnight trying to get in "just one more episode" so we've been super tired the past few tired that when I went to bed a few nights ago I was about to fall asleep and then I remembered that I didn't say my prayers so I thought 'dang it, I'm SO tired, I'll just stay here and say it in my head' and the prayer started out 'Dear Heavenly Father, I thank thee for sending me to this island...' then I burst out laughing and scared the crap out of Ryan. :p It was a little funny.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Cleaning out my closet.....

Hi everybody! I'm so proud of myself! I cleaned up my closet and FINALLY got rid of some clothes and shoes so now I'm all organized, now, I know this isn't ACTUALLY something to be proud of but I would say it's definitely an accomplishment for me because I never want to get rid of anything that one would wear. I don't care if it has holes in it or if I got it when I was 6, I just NEED to keep it! (Ok that second one isn't true, but I do keep holey clothes, don't ask me why because I won't have an answer for you.) Our closet is a little small so it was hard to get a picture of all of it but on the left I have my shoe shelves (choir of angels singing!) and then all my regular shirts to the right and underneath those is a bookshelf (it's all I could come up with) with all my jeans folded on it. Then at the top are the sweaters, which I'm convinced I'll never get to stinking hot... Anyway, to the left of the basket you see in the picture there is another one with all my socks in it so my shoes and socks are finally in the same area!
Then in the bedroom in drawers are workout clothes, pajamas etc. all sorted and perfect!
I just wanted to share the joy. :D